
It was like a ray of sunlight hitting my darkest dreams and fantasies when I joined SIOWM nearly six years ago. Initially, I couldn’t comprehend it at all; I just couldn’t believe I was learning under one of the greatest musicians in the world. I was just eight then, and it was like skipping through the rainbow-coloured halls of fantasy. Days went past, I continued to grow, and the institute grew with me too. Every class was like stepping into another life, far away from the troubles of school life. Every class brought a thoroughly new experience with it – there was not just music to be learnt; and the humility of my Guru left me amazed and also inspired. Various anecdotes cropped up through the progress of every class, revealing incredible insights into my Guru’s life, and reminding me how far there was to go, and how less I was working.
SIOWM has taught me so much, and I am grateful and deeply indebted to my Guru for what he has taught me.